Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Full Circle Farm Promotional Video

Full Circle Farm, a family farm growing more than 75 varieties of certified organic fruits and vegetables in the Snoqualmie Valley, produced an excellent short promotional video. To my ear, the music merry-go-round could have been cut, but all in all, it is a good production for small farmers to use as a model to make their own.

1 comment:

chaswell said...

My name is Charlie. I am just a simple guy. But it is precisely for this reason that I want to write this comment.
I have never worked on a farm - I do not know the first thing about farming - but as an athlete, I am intimately aware of the value of my body, keeping it healthy and running efficiently. Farms, like the Full Circle Farm, allow me to do exactly this.
In a world that is growing as rapidly as it is, advancing through technology and biotechnology, it becomes continually easier to misplace our true responsibilities. Like writing by hand a letter to a best friend, eating freshly grown and organic foods that have been harvested by people, not hormones or antibiotics, is one way that we may assume responsibility for ourselves by connecting with our humanity. Life is not meant to be lived for us. And what better gratification than a meal prepared from scratch, the ingredients of which were grown in your own backyard!
The world is changing. But this is the process of life - it keeps going. However, I believe a sound solution is to evolve with these changes. Instead, it seems often that societal normatives ask that we recreate the envrionment so we don't have to change. We, as humans, are animals too. And farms like Full Circle Farm allow us to maintain connectinions with our surroundings as well as with our humanity.
I look forward to the day when I am not in school, when I have my own property - I am eager to have my own garden to contribute to a sense of personal sustainability and continuity.
I applaud you, Full Circle Farm, and urge you to continue as you do. Promise that you won't search to grow bigger than what is naturally sustainable? All the best to your future success