Thursday, May 01, 2008

To Farmers Market we will go! Maypole dance for Saturday's opening

"After several years of rapid growth, the Saturday market has become the largest weekly confluence of community in Port Townsend, drawing more than 1,000 customers each week. This success has attracted a large number of new vendors.

'We've added 11 new vendors and counting to the market this year, all food-related, including five new growers,' reported market manager Wendie Dyson. Because the interest among vendors is so high, Dyson initiated a waiting-list system to allow new vendors to experience the market when an established vendor cannot attend.

'I'm getting several calls each week from local entrepreneurs who want to join the market,' said Dyson. 'Some are backyard hobby growers whose gardens are producing enough excess that they're ready to start selling. This is exciting because it's increasing our local food source and building the diversity of products at the market. Several are younger residents starting their own side business preparing foods using ingredients they're sourcing from local growers or the Food Co-op, thus further supporting our local food system.'" (Read More)

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