Tuesday, May 01, 2007

RUTH BALLARD: Friends of the Market Coordinator

This appeared in The Co-op Commons Newsletter

As the new Friends of the Market Coordinator, it’s my hope that the strong community support for the Farmers Market will bring many new volunteers and donors this season, and for many seasons to come. I’ll be keeping you informed over the next months about how you can share your talents and passion to support the mission of the market.

Did you ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes to help set the table for success for our farmers, food producers and artisans? Here’s a little hint -- it starts with volunteers. From our volunteer Board of Directors, to our set-up and take-down crew, festival event impresarios to web editors, this market depends on community volunteers.

Another way to lend support is by joining the Friends of the Market and making a tax-deductible monetary contribution. To cultivate local sustain- able agriculture in our community requires a commitment to keep vendor fees low and provide a strong revenue stream for producers. Your support is essential to the continued success of the Port Townsend Farmers Market.

If you want to join the special group that helps bring this feast to our town on Wednesdays and Saturdays, call the business office or email: info@ptfarmersmarket.org to volunteer, or join the Friends of the Market. There is more information about our programs at www.ptfarmersmarket.org.

See you at the Market on opening day,
May 5, 2007!

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