Friday, May 04, 2007

Port Townsend Farmers Market Welcomes EBT

Gabriel Bernier of Basic Food Education & Outreach at the Olympic Community Action Program displays the wooden nickels, each worth a dollar towards food, vegetable seeds and starts, that he purchased during a test run of the PT market's new wireless EBT machine. Photo by Matt Sircely.

For the first time this season, the Port Townsend Farmers Market will accept food stamps, also known as EBT. Participants in the program can now swipe their card at the market information booth in exchange for tokens that can be used to buy fresh local food and even vegetable seeds and starts.

"It has been a real pleasure working with the PT market. I hope this partnership represents only one step in many toward creating a strong, equitable, and sustainable local food system," says Gabriel Bernier of Basic Food Education & Outreach at the Olympic Community Action Program. Bernier will furnish information at the market info table to help individuals determine whether they may be eligible to receive EBT.

The Port Townsend Farmers Market is located uptown on Tyler Street at Lawrence. Wednesday markets begin on June 13th. For more information, call the market office at 379-9098 or visit

PHOTO: Gabriel Bernier of Basic Food Education & Outreach at the Olympic Community Action Program swipes his personal EBT card during an on site test of the market's new wireless machine. Market Manager Nick Hill administered the test. Photo by Matt Sircely.

CONTACT: Matt Sircely • matt (at) ptfarmersmarket (dot) org • (360) 301-3789

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